Grey Goo Wiki
“The Goo's most powerful direct attack units are the Destructors. They are large, durable, and as engineered, extremely effective at destroying hardened structures with their powerful plasma cannon.”

The Destructor is the Goo siege unit.


The Destructor's original purpose was one of demolition. Whenever a group of Drovers would be unable to progress to a certain section of a planet due to terrain. Destructors could easily bore holes into mountains or flatten entire plateaus, given enough time. This allowed Drovers to easily reach any point on the planet. The Destructor's volatile weapon can easily melt through a structure's outer layer or a vehicle's armor, though it is relatively vulnerable itself to being destroyed.


The offensive powerhouse of the Goo army, the Destructor can make short work of both enemy units and structures with its powerful attack.


  • Destructors have tremendous offensive potential but are physically weak and must be protected.
  • Destructors have high armor piercing, making them useful when destroying enemy fortifications.
  • Destructors offensive potential can be upgraded to deal damage in an area.

Tech upgrades[]

GG Icon Tech Goo Splash Goo splash
Destructor projectiles now also damage enemies around the target.
GG Icon Tech Contagious Goo Contagious goo
Destructor projectiles now bounce to nearby enemies up to two times.

See also[]


  1. Petroglyph Games, YouTube favicon Grey Goo - Goo: Agents of Chaos. Retrieved 2015-02-22.